Friday, September 17, 2010

week four projects

This week we were asked to use photoshop to create new "animals".

This first project is a aardvark and pig hybrid. It was my first project of the week so if anything it is the most rough.

This is my second project of the week and I thought it would be funny to combine two animals that would most likely be the farthest things from friends. Being a hamster and a cat.

This is the project that came easy for me because I put the head of my sisters boxer on top of a gorilla. Typically, I tease my sister about her dog's face looking like a gorilla.

This was my final project and my favorite project I've done yet. I'm sure it will be my favorite all year almost. Obviously, I combined a donkey's head with a duck. Pretty hideous looking creature.


  1. ok lol the one of the duck donkey thing.. ya that is frightening.. but good job.

  2. Randy these pictures are really funny and creative, i laughed really hard when i saw the picture of the donkey and the duck.
